Artificial Intelligence for Remote Sensing (AI4RS)
Modulnummer: Q06-21
Englischer Titel: Artificial Intelligence for Remote Sensing
Leistungspunkte: 6
Lehrperson: Ghamisi
Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
- Basic knowledge of linear algebra
- Basic knowledge of remote sensing
- Basic knowledge of machine learning
- Basic programing skills in Python
Zwingende Voraussetzungen
As part of this course, both depth and extent of skills will be developed within a full workflow from data loader implementation (e.g., customized scripts for data reading), data pre-processing (e.g., normalization), environment preparation (e.g., machine learning libraries), model training (e.g., hyperparameter settings), testing and accuracy assessment of predictions.
The main topics include the following:
- machine/deep learning foundations for remote sensing
- remote sensing image classification
- remote sensing image object detection
- remote sensing image semantic segmentation
- remote sensing image change detection
- remote sensing image anomaly detection
- artificial intelligence security for remote sensing
- Understand current trends in machine learning and deep learning and their background as well as applying new concepts and approaches
- Understand the state-of-the-art of the artificial intelligence algorithms for remote sensing
- Familiarise with advanced methods, tools and techniques of artificial intelligence algorithms for remote sensing image processing
- Artificial intelligence algorithms image processing tasks like sematic segmentation and image classification for a number of “real-world” application scenarios
Erforderliche Arbeitsleistungen für LP-Vergabe und Prüfungszulassung
- schriftlich eingereichte und/oder mündlich vorgetragene Lösungen zu Aufgaben
- Zwischen- und/oder Abschlussberichte zu Entwicklungsprojekten oder Experimenten
Vorlesung: 2 SWS
Übung: 2 SWS
Zugeordneter Vertiefungsschwerpunkt
Algorithmen und Modelle: nein
Modellbasierte Systementwicklung: ja
Daten- und Wissensmanagement: ja
Ohne Vertiefungsschwerpunkt: nein
Sprache im Modul
Deutsch: nein
Englisch: ja
Angeboten für Studiengänge
M. Sc.: ja
M. Ed.: ja
Wirtschaftsmaster: ja
Angeboten im
Wintersemester: nein
Sommersemester: nein