Blockchain Technologies
Modulnummer: Q08-13
Englischer Titel: Blockchain Technologies
Leistungspunkte: 8
Lehrperson: Tschorsch
Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
- solid knowledge of computer networking, e.g., "Kommunikationssysteme"
- knowledge of distributed systems, e.g., "Peer-to-Peer Systems"
Zwingende Voraussetzungen
It is only possible to earn credit points from this module or in the module Q10-36 (Blockchain-Technologies with Peer Review Simulation), but not from both.
In this course, we provide a comprehensive overview of blockchain technologies and its building blocks. We start by discussing protocols and algorithms for fault-tolerant operation. From there we continue to explore the design space by unrolling the conceptual foundations of blockchains. We will see that many of these building blocks already existed before the introduction of Bitcoin, but at the same time that blockchains offer new system properties.
In addition to conceptual knowledge on blockchains, students will get a hands-on experience by interacting with and/or integrating ideas from blockchains into their own projects.
Erforderliche Arbeitsleistungen für LP-Vergabe und Prüfungszulassung
- active participation
- implementation of a prototype application
- presentation of the project/prototype
Vorlesung: 2 SWS
Projektseminar: 2 SWS
Zugeordneter Vertiefungsschwerpunkt
Algorithmen und Modelle: nein
Modellbasierte Systementwicklung: ja
Daten- und Wissensmanagement: nein
Ohne Vertiefungsschwerpunkt: nein
Sprache im Modul
Deutsch: ja
Englisch: ja
Angeboten für Studiengänge
M. Sc.: ja
M. Ed.: ja
Wirtschaftsmaster: ja
Angeboten im
Wintersemester: nein
Sommersemester: ja